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Nous avons compilé une liste de 211 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Centralpoint. Les principaux concurrents incluent 1Password, Quadient Accounts Receivable by YayPay. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Centralpoint et FaceUp Whistleblowing System, Secureframe, Scrut Automation. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Logiciel de gouvernance, risques et conformité, Logiciel de conformité en matière de sécurité.

Free Trial Subscription

1Password est un logiciel de gestion de mots de passe conçu pour stocker et organiser les mots de passe en toute sécurité, offrant aux utilisateurs une solution centralisée pour la gestion de leurs informations d'identification.

Votre solution ultime de gestion des comptes clients. Stimulez votre productivité grâce à l'automatisation de l'IA, améliorez la transparence grâce à des données unifiées et améliorez la prévisibilité grâce à des analyses en temps réel. Améliorez l'…

FaceUp Whistleblowing System
Free Trial Subscription

FaceUp est une plateforme de dénonciation sécurisée et conviviale et un outil de gestion des ressources humaines. Il permet aux employés et aux étudiants de signaler facilement des actes répréhensibles. Ce système complet garantit le respect des nor…


Automatisez la conformité avec Secureframe. Atteignez et maintenez SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, et plus encore pour une croissance continue.

Scrut Automation

Scrut est une plateforme moderne d'automatisation de la conformité, spécialisée dans la sécurité de l'information axée sur les risques pour les entreprises " cloud-native ". Elle permet aux clients d'optimiser de manière transparente les processus d…


Sprinto est une plateforme basée sur le cloud qui révolutionne l'automatisation de la sécurité et de la conformité. Conçue pour les normes ISO 27001, SOC 2, PCI DSS, GDPR et HIPAA, elle s'intègre de manière transparente à votre infrastructure cloud.

Free Trial Subscription

Vanta rationalise et automatise le parcours complexe de la certification de conformité. Cette plateforme automatisée de surveillance de la sécurité accélère le processus de certification, garantissant aux organisations l'obtention rapide des certifi…


Drata est une plateforme d'automatisation de la sécurité et de la conformité qui surveille et documente méticuleusement les contrôles de sécurité d'une entreprise. Grâce à des flux de travail de conformité transparents de bout en bout, Drata garanti…


Un éditeur de texte piratable pour le 21ème siècle.

Cadre de gestion de contenu (CMF), système de gestion de contenu (CMS), logiciel de communauté et de blog

Oxcyon's Centralpoint est une solution de portail CMS prête à l'emploi qui offre une classe de données ...

Centralpoint Plates-formes

tick-square Linux
tick-square Mac
tick-square iPad
tick-square iPhone
tick-square Android
tick-square Web-Based
tick-square Windows

Centralpoint Description

"Centralpoint ne se limite pas à être une plate-forme de communication omnicanale pour transmettre des informations à chaque utilisateur en fonction de son public et de son rôle. Centralpoint collecte et collecte également l'activité de ses utilisateurs, générant ainsi une richesse en matière de Business Intelligence, de gamification et de reporting."

Centralpoint Fonctionnalités

tick-square Access Controls/Permissions
tick-square Third Party Integrations
tick-square Document Management
tick-square Activity Dashboard
tick-square Task Management
tick-square Workflow Management
tick-square Wiki
tick-square Website Integration
tick-square Web Notifications
tick-square Web Data Extraction
tick-square WYSIWYG Editor
tick-square Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA)
tick-square Version Control
tick-square Two-Factor Authentication
tick-square Topic Clustering
tick-square Text Mining
tick-square Text Editing
tick-square Taxonomy Classification
tick-square Summarization
tick-square Speech Synthesis
tick-square Spam Detection
tick-square Social Media Integration
tick-square Sensitive Data Identification
tick-square Self-Service Access Request
tick-square Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
tick-square SDKs
tick-square Reputational Risk Management
tick-square Relationship Mapping
tick-square Recommendations
tick-square Query Builder
tick-square Profitability Analysis
tick-square Process Management
tick-square Privileged Account Management
tick-square Private Network
tick-square Pricing Extraction
tick-square Predictive Analytics
tick-square Pattern Detection and Recognition
tick-square Password Management
tick-square PIA/DPIA
tick-square OSHA Compliance
tick-square OLAP
tick-square No-Code
tick-square Natural Language Search
tick-square Multi-Store Printing
tick-square Multi-Location
tick-square Multi-Language
tick-square Multi-Factor Authentication
tick-square Multi-Domain
tick-square Mobile Dashboards
tick-square Mobile App
tick-square Member Accounts
tick-square Map Creation
tick-square Linked Data Management
tick-square Legal Risk Management
tick-square Language Detection
tick-square KRI (Key Risk Indicator) Monitoring
tick-square Job Scheduling
tick-square Information Governance
tick-square Incident Management
tick-square Image Extraction
tick-square IT Risk Management
tick-square IP Rotation
tick-square IP Address Extraction
tick-square High Volume Processing
tick-square Hierarchy Management
tick-square HIPAA Compliant
tick-square Full Text Search
tick-square Fraud Detection
tick-square Franchise Intranet
tick-square For eCommerce
tick-square For Training/Education
tick-square For Enterprises
tick-square File Sharing
tick-square File Management
tick-square FDA Compliance
tick-square Exceptions Management
tick-square Evidence Management
tick-square Environmental Compliance
tick-square Entity Analysis
tick-square Enterprise Risk Management
tick-square Employee Onboarding
tick-square Email Marketing
tick-square Drag & Drop Editor
tick-square Drag & Drop
tick-square Document Templates
tick-square Document Extraction
tick-square Document Database
tick-square Deletion Management
tick-square Deduplication
tick-square Database Support
tick-square Data Warehousing
tick-square Data Transformation
tick-square Data Sampling
tick-square Data Quality Control
tick-square Data Modeling
tick-square Data Masking
tick-square Data Lineage
tick-square Data Integration
tick-square Data Import/Export
tick-square Data Glossary
tick-square Data Dictionary Management
tick-square Data Cleansing
tick-square Data Classification
tick-square Data Catalog
tick-square Data Capture and Transfer
tick-square Data Blending
tick-square Data Aggregation and Publishing
tick-square Data Aggregation
tick-square Dashboard
tick-square Customizable Branding
tick-square Customer Touchpoints
tick-square Credit Card Processing
tick-square Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA)
tick-square Event Logs
tick-square Conversion Tracking
tick-square Contextual Search
tick-square Contest Management
tick-square Construction Tracker
tick-square Consent Management
tick-square Chat Transcript
tick-square Categorization/Grouping
tick-square Cataloging/Categorization
tick-square Brainstorming
tick-square Blogs
tick-square Big Data Analytics
tick-square Batch Processing
tick-square Badge Management
tick-square Autocomplete
tick-square Auto-Responders
tick-square Authentication
tick-square Attribution Modeling
tick-square Analytics
tick-square Ad hoc Analysis
tick-square Active Directory Integration
tick-square Access Management
tick-square Access Certification
tick-square AB Testing
tick-square Ad hoc Query
tick-square Public Dashboards
tick-square Lifecycle Management
tick-square Goal Management
tick-square Diagramming
tick-square De-Coupled Front & Back Ends
tick-square Rule Based Publishing
tick-square Optical Character Recognition
tick-square Metadata Extraction
tick-square User Onboarding
tick-square Training Record Management
tick-square Tests/Assessments
tick-square Synchronous Learning
tick-square Self Service Tools
tick-square Learning Paths/Tracks
tick-square Learner Portal
tick-square In-App Training
tick-square Decision Support
tick-square Built-in Course Authoring
tick-square Blended Learning
tick-square Asynchronous Learning
tick-square Multiple Data Sources
tick-square Business Process Control
tick-square For Sales Teams/Organizations
tick-square Audio File Management
tick-square Unified Directory
tick-square Social Learning
tick-square Self-Learning
tick-square Online Forums
tick-square Mobile Learning
tick-square Mobile Interface
tick-square Learning Management
tick-square Forms Creation & Design
tick-square Employee Communities
tick-square Course Tracking
tick-square Course Management
tick-square Course Authoring
tick-square Action Management
tick-square Content Sharing
tick-square 360 Degree Feedback
tick-square Skills Assessment
tick-square Email Alerts
tick-square Boolean Search
tick-square Employee Reward Programs
tick-square Employee Recognition
tick-square Key Performance Indicators
tick-square Customer Experience Management
tick-square Content Creation
tick-square Call Center Management
tick-square Trend/Problem Indicators
tick-square Single Page View
tick-square Scorecards
tick-square Scheduled/Automated Reports
tick-square Private Dashboards
tick-square KPI Monitoring
tick-square Functions/Calculations
tick-square Data Connectors
tick-square Brand Management
tick-square Benchmarking
tick-square Digital Asset Management
tick-square Online Catalog
tick-square Commission Management
tick-square Survey/Poll Management
tick-square Rewards Management
tick-square Interactive Content
tick-square Rich Text Editor
tick-square Data Storage Management
tick-square Email Address Extraction
tick-square Data Verification
tick-square Multi-User Collaboration
tick-square Data Governance
tick-square Training Management
tick-square Security Auditing
tick-square Risk Scoring
tick-square Risk Reporting
tick-square Risk Assessment
tick-square Risk Analysis
tick-square Risk Alerts
tick-square Policy Training
tick-square Policy Metadata Management
tick-square Policy Library
tick-square Policy Creation
tick-square Operational Risk Management
tick-square Internal Controls Management
tick-square ISO Compliance
tick-square Controls Audit
tick-square Attestation
tick-square Assessment Management
tick-square Offline Access
tick-square Publishing/Sharing
tick-square Data Linking
tick-square Content Publishing Options
tick-square Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management
tick-square Video Support
tick-square Metadata Management
tick-square Credential Management
tick-square Employee Engagement
tick-square Skills Tracking
tick-square Event Calendar
tick-square Macros/Templated Responses
tick-square Automated Routing
tick-square Preview Functionality
tick-square Fuzzy Search
tick-square Faceted Search/Filtering
tick-square Text Analysis
tick-square Indexing
tick-square SSL Security
tick-square SEO Management
tick-square For Developers
tick-square Data Analysis Tools
tick-square Contextual Guidance
tick-square Query Suggestions
tick-square Pre-Configured Bot
tick-square Multi-Channel Distribution
tick-square Intent Recognition
tick-square Data Extraction
tick-square Customer Service Analytics
tick-square Chatbot
tick-square Support Ticket Management
tick-square Alerts/Escalation
tick-square Strategic Planning
tick-square Risk Management
tick-square Progress Reports
tick-square Performance Management
tick-square Sentiment Analysis
tick-square Response Management
tick-square Multi-Channel Communication
tick-square Marketing Automation
tick-square Automatic Re-ordering
tick-square Online Store
tick-square Negative Feedback Management
tick-square For Healthcare
tick-square Campaign Analytics
tick-square Behavior Tracking
tick-square Website Analytics
tick-square Audience Targeting
tick-square Dashboard Creation
tick-square Website Management
tick-square Visualization
tick-square Issue Management
tick-square Forecasting
tick-square Activity/News Feed
tick-square Configurable Workflow
tick-square Content Library
tick-square Lead Management
tick-square Segmentation
tick-square Sales Trend Analysis
tick-square Sales Pipeline Management
tick-square Product Configurator
tick-square Biometrics
tick-square Discussions/Forums
tick-square Knowledge Base Management
tick-square Content Management
tick-square Lead Capture
tick-square Event Triggered Actions
tick-square Widgets
tick-square Real-Time Chat
tick-square Personalization
tick-square Mobile Alerts
tick-square Communication Management
tick-square Campaign Management
tick-square Governance
tick-square Document Review
tick-square Document Classification
tick-square Historical Reporting
tick-square Application Management
tick-square Process/Workflow Automation
tick-square Interaction Tracking
tick-square File Conversion
tick-square Document Automation
tick-square Code-free Development
tick-square Autofill
tick-square Data Mapping
tick-square Customer Profiles
tick-square Self Service Data Preparation
tick-square Data Discovery
tick-square AI/Machine Learning
tick-square Templates
tick-square Talent Management
tick-square Pulse Surveys
tick-square Feedback Management
tick-square Employee Portal
tick-square Employee Management
tick-square Electronic Forms
tick-square Document Generation
tick-square Surveys & Feedback
tick-square Engagement Tracking
tick-square Customizable Questions
tick-square Data Migration
tick-square Archiving & Retention
tick-square User Provisioning
tick-square Secure Login
tick-square Policy Management
tick-square Data Recovery
tick-square Electronic Signature
tick-square Single Sign On
tick-square Multiple User Accounts
tick-square Email Templates
tick-square Customizable Templates
tick-square Pre-built Templates
tick-square Visual Analytics
tick-square Safety Management
tick-square Real Time Data
tick-square Multi-Channel Marketing
tick-square Data Visualization
tick-square Data Management
tick-square eCommerce Management
tick-square Trend Analysis
tick-square Statistical Analysis
tick-square Real Time Monitoring
tick-square Real Time Analytics
tick-square Data Synchronization
tick-square PCI Compliance
tick-square Data Security
tick-square Approval Workflow
tick-square Corporate/Business
tick-square Secure Data Storage
tick-square Electronic Payments
tick-square API
tick-square Workflow Configuration
tick-square Tagging
tick-square Rules-Based Workflow
tick-square Real Time Updates
tick-square Real Time Notifications
tick-square Collaboration Tools
tick-square Progress Tracking
tick-square Prioritization
tick-square Projections
tick-square Goal Setting/Tracking
tick-square Forms Management
tick-square Customizable Forms
tick-square Commenting/Notes
tick-square Chat/Messaging
tick-square Assignment Management
tick-square Role-Based Permissions
tick-square Reminders
tick-square Customizable Fields
tick-square Compliance Tracking
tick-square Charting
tick-square Customization
tick-square Search/Filter
tick-square Performance Metrics
tick-square Order Processing
tick-square Monitoring
tick-square Inventory Management
tick-square Email Management
tick-square Customizable Reports
tick-square Customer History
tick-square Contact Database
tick-square Audit Management
tick-square Approval Process Control
tick-square Ad hoc Reporting
tick-square Template Management
tick-square Reporting & Statistics
tick-square Remote Access/Control
tick-square Real Time Reporting
tick-square Quotes/Estimates
tick-square Order Management
tick-square Multi-Channel Management
tick-square Mobile Access
tick-square Document Storage
tick-square Customer Database
tick-square Compliance Management
tick-square Calendar Management
tick-square Alerts/Notifications
tick-square Billing & Invoicing
tick-square Activity Tracking
tick-square Self Service Portal
tick-square Employee Profiles
tick-square Reporting/Analytics
tick-square Image Editing
tick-square User Management
tick-square Filtering
tick-square Machine Learning
tick-square Question Library
tick-square File Storage
tick-square Interactive Reports
tick-square Data Mining
tick-square Live Chat
tick-square Employee Database
tick-square Client Portal
tick-square Asset Lifecycle Management
tick-square Audit Trail
tick-square Microlearning
tick-square Predictive Modeling
tick-square Customer Segmentation
tick-square Web Forms
tick-square Natural Language Processing
tick-square Vendor Management
tick-square IT Asset Management
tick-square Leaderboards
tick-square Semantic Search
tick-square Document Capture
tick-square Speech Recognition
tick-square Automatic Backup
tick-square File Recovery
tick-square Scheduling
tick-square Gamification
tick-square Knowledge Management
tick-square Customer Journey Mapping
tick-square eLearning Companies
tick-square Third Party Course Library
tick-square Student Portal
tick-square Self-Service Content Curation
tick-square SCORM Compliance
tick-square Gradebook
tick-square Extended Enterprise Learning
tick-square Certification & Licensing
tick-square Academic/Education
tick-square Phone Number Extraction
tick-square Match & Merge
tick-square Data Profiling
tick-square Behavioral Analytics
tick-square For Marketers
tick-square Auto Extraction

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Centralpoint Mots clés

microsite portal cms document-collaboration analytics

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